Monday, March 26, 2018

More than Words

More than Words
I was thinking last night about how eye catching those costumes were that they used for my sketches. What kind of costumes did they use for their own sketches? It helps to be eye catching on television, right, network people? If you manage to be eye catching, like with shiny, elaborate costumes, such as the ones they used to steal my Madame Pompadu sketch, then when a person is flipping through the channels, they are more likely to stop and try to gather up what is going on. My sketches would often demand costumes because of my fondness for history. Were they fond of history, too?

On the other hand, sometimes an eye catching event will help to draw in viewers. More viewers means more profits, right, network people? In this instance, a sketch like my End Quote, which has uniformed SA tossing books into a fire would catch a lot of channel surfers. Wars tell history, of course, but they also grab viewers.

I present my work in words, but the words create compelling images. A good example is in how the poems in this blog were so successfully turned into images on television. Many of them, like the Obelisk, the Marathon, the Herald, the Heavenly Escapade, and the Mammals called for eye catching costumes that helped to boost NBC's ratings. The Heavenly Escapade even demanded eye catching special effects. The situations were always very engaging. Viewers stumble on a marathon, for instance, and they want to keep watching to find out who wins.

What would the cast of SNL written on their own in its place? Would it have been as eye catching? Would it have been as engaging? Would it rhyme? Would the dialogue have been as good? Would they have grabbed as many viewers? In answer to the last question, they obviously didn't think so. And yet, the networks won't permit me even the slightest respect now after their stars grabbed so much of my money and success.

I'm afraid my respect does depend a lot on how I'm treated on the public airwaves. If I am disrespected on the public airwaves, it encourages the crowd to disrespect me. I digress a bit, but a good example of being disrespected on the public airwaves, aside from the support for bands that ripped me off, was Tina Fey's You Sock video. Did everyone see that? When was that? Has everyone heard what I had to say about Tina?

By 2007, Tina Fey and her show stole had stolen mountains of my comedy scripts and poems. Apparently she was incarcerated in late 2007, along with many other star copyright offenders, but I was not informed. The networks pretended they were free and had us all quite fooled. Then after catching another of what had been hundreds of violations of my work on TV, I flipped out and erased my account to stop the fraud. Did you hear what the networks did to me after I erased my account?

When I erased my Blogger account in 2007, I inadvertently released all the star copyright offenders from their places of confinement. With network support, they immediately embarked on a path of vengeance against their victim. The star who stands out the most in my mind at this time is Tina Fey. They put her on the Tonight Show to talk about her new movie Mean Girls, which she was shooting at a high school. I guess they wanted to appeal to youth. Maybe they thought that youth would respond favourably to them because of the kind of material they were going to build their next five seasons out of, material which had already proven itself online, in my old account. In other words, when she thrilled high school students with her production and made herself available as a hip role model for the younger generation, she had only just got out of jail for plagiarizing my blogs. And she was about to receive all the time in the limelight she needed to make youth reject me for the next ten thousand years, along with a host of other big stars.

As for high school girls, I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice the bigger ones. (But it's their fault and they know it. Sorry, joke.) They like to share information with each other. I wonder what information they got from Tina Fey after Tina had just got out of jail and wanted everyone to think I went to jail. This was around November 2007. Did a malicious rumour start from a high school and spread like wildfire through the whole youth population? Well, we all know what followed up to 2012. And then Dateline threw Tina in jail, right? Then she had to be released and I threw them all in jail, including Dateline. Let's keep it straight.

And as long as the public doesn't know about this, such convicts stay poised to have another go at their victim as soon as they get out of jail or prison. I hope I don't have to come back to this page and say I told you so.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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