Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Mammals: Parts I and II

The Mammals: Parts I and II
I've got my new songs worked out on the guitar but I'm not recording them right now. I need to complete this collection to eight poems as I originally set out to do in 2007. Hard to believe I've suffered so horribly for sharing such harmless work. There wouldn't be one aggressive word in this account if it weren't for the thousands of violations against me and the need to defend myself online with no support from anyone else. I'll enjoy writing this. It reminds me of those classic Disney productions where they followed the critters around with a camera and made adventures out of it. I loved those as a lad. So tranquil.

I: The Marsupial

Oliver Opossum poked his nose out through the leafy pile
Seeing that the distance to his target was not far
Through the neatly tended lawn, he crept along in silent guile
To the waste facility and found the door ajar

This convenient reservoir of items for his family's need
Bordered on the hinterland where he'd made his abode
Chutes and seeds and crumbs of pie crust, on which kin would happily feed
Swelled the shell of cast off plastic where they smartly stowed

In the dark of shift's conclusion, his strong sniffer was his best guide
To the mountain of fat pouches holding what he sought
Chewing through the outer layer to reduce some weight was best tried
If he wanted long to manage with the load he brought

Once he had a bit securely clenched between his diligent jaws
He proceeded dragging his prize back the way he came
There would not be time to snack or even for the slenderest pause
On the way to finalizing his illicit claim

Suddenly the animal was by electric light bulbs struck dumb
And the watchman's accusation calling him a rat
Oliver held both his hands up, each complete with fingers and thumb
As to his identity's proof, certain that was that

By the truncheon hurtling towards him with a murderous force
Accurate enough to make him duck his wily head
Oliver instinctively employed the threatened possum's recourse
Flipping himself over and pretending to be dead

His attacker was about to scoop his body with a spade blade
When the rustle of another burglar caught his ear
Soon as in the open, the opossum his express escape made
Functioning on stimulants injected by his fear

Homeward to his warm dependants, with his catch in tow behind him
He began the journey up a rugged sloping hill
With the eager cry of his impatient mate to rise and find him
Telling him of bellies that demanded he should fill

II: The Rodent

Marvin was a mountain marmot, working on an excavation
High in the exclusive reaches of a rocky pass
With the autumn colours drew the hour of his hibernation
Deep beneath a surface frozen in a sheet of glass

He had had a lucky year, discovering a patch of flowers
Following the flight path of a knowledgable crow
With his yellow underside turned upward, he had passed the hours
Hunger pangs alleviated, nowhere else to go

Now with plenty of provisions and his faith restored by sunlight
Resolutely, he displaced the soil from his spot
Checking edges for a defect to make sure the job was done right
In the digging out of a secure and cozy plot

Halfway down, he struck a solid layer giving stiff resistance
Forcing him to fiercely pull, in order to remove
Stubbornly the boulders came out, one by one, for his persistence
As his bothersome condition slowly would improve

Driven chiefly by a snout that wasn't fashioned for detecting
What distinguished precious metal from a common stone
He let ore accumulate until he had a heap reflecting
Out from the locality of where he worked alone

Once the sun began to lower, having made a deep impression
Tired, he retired to his cottage made of sticks
And before too long, he had to lethargy made his concession
Lost within the drama of imaginary flicks

Through the cracks in Marvin's flimsy barricade, the dawn broke slowly
Finally compelling him to open up his eyes
Though a bit stiff from his labours, on his goal he focussed wholly
Getting up and running through his morning exercise

He retraced his footsteps as they led directly to the work site
But there was an ending to the path that he had worn
Having climbed already to the once proud mountain's less than full height
With the vast remainder having been completely shorn

(to be continued)
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2007, 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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