Friday, July 22, 2016

The Tunesmith: Parts I-VII

The Tunesmith: Parts I-VII
I: The Masters

Masters of the future's past, perceivable to whom they want
In rekindled memory, return to with predictions haunt
From their retroactive glimpse of any interesting soul
They just met in decades hence, the background stretched to countries whole

Blazing with the autumn colours, carefree dreams of cheerful play
Crumble from the gravity of prophecies they have to say
Thrusting in the blameless face of childhood naivety
Challenges that lie ahead in full adult complexity

Children so encountered want to trust the neighbour as a friend
Even when they're bluntly told that he will give cause to defend
Though a flashy music show might thrill a youngster as his fate
Being hailed a poet would be classed as something that could wait

Long and hard would be the struggle nobody would want to get
Means afforded by technology to be developed yet
Halos and high spirits may await as final destinies
Following the horrors that would bring an army to its knees

Psychic knowledge of the masters on the slimmest odds astound
They whose impact on the timeline promise to be most profound
One would need assistance with the will to persevere alone
Through a heavy gauntlet of derision on him wrongly thrown

Labeled a composer when he'd not begun a note to learn
Vigilance against detractors would become his first concern
Basking in the company of beings by his peers unknown
As the daunting details of approaching strife were to him shown

Clement drifted from the message to a more amusing game
As he heard a true account of hurdles on his way to fame
Bracing for the struggle would begin before his foes were born
To be fortified enough to see eroding years outworn

Having made him buckle to the imminence of his delay
At the hands of malefactors in his future faraway
They departed, promising to come back on the crisis' eve
Wispy recollections that might only have been make-believe

II: The Crew

Rupturing the calmness of a residential avenue
Raucous were the voices of the dubious production crew
Found in institutions and for cheap and unskilled labour picked
Glasses raised to toast the damage they'd be able to inflict

Concentrated misfits with their stagnant company secure
In the spotlight's shadow but susceptible to its allure
Bandying a flimflam or a better name that they could steal
Centred on the height of the superiority they feel

Occupying posts within a thick of unassuming strays
Long had they escaped detection, presence lost within a haze
Takers of the toxin that they poured in what they had to tell
From the spin of pure deceit received a whopping dizzy spell

Sprung from stark confinement by the sympathetic hand of hate
And with sly accomplices allowed once more to congregate
Trouble was assured by the renewal of their shallow leer
As their weary victims braced for more assaults along the rear

Herschel's raging hormones held him in a state of sorry need
On the panic of the young and innocent he had to feed
Banished from the playgrounds for behaviour deemed distinctly lewd
He succumbed to laughter that allowed his wet tongue to protrude

Benedict was more aloof, his sabotage precisely planned
To produce the widest devastation that the act could land
Drugs that helped him shore up his hallucinations of the self
Had to be extracted from the disinfectants on the shelf

Being with the Blister sisters, Thelma-Lu and Rosa-Li
Often proved the ladies' charm to have been better off to flee
As they lent their shapely bodies for amusement or as bait
Teeming with desire to illicitly incarcerate

Woe to the outsider who'd become the focus of their field
With the drops of his own blood, his ruin would be signed and sealed
Like a nest of vipers were they to the stranger on the street
Who a long expected fate by their fault was about to meet

III: The Pact

Once presented evidence for life in reaches hidden yet
Such as Clement's interaction with the beings he had met
Cumbersome becomes the mantle of the normal waking trance
Whose rejection drew to him the hateful ones' unwelcome glance

His sincere expressions of dissatisfaction and disdain
Resonated with the public as the news could not explain
His demand for room to travel on an independent road
Caused the panel to unravel by the strong support it showed

Since his efforts brought to light the oversights of industry
Well advanced professionals opposed him with ferocity
On malicious missions did they as a compact team embark
Leaning on the cheating angle topped by the malign remark

His acoustic option by the finger held upon the string
Framed in thoughtful passages his voice was suited well to sing
Left them no resort but to diffuse the impact of his tune
Drowning it in fuzzy tributes to a mellow afternoon

By the bending broadcast signals singling him sorely out
He was seen as easy for the bad to use to score a rout
Eagerly they fell upon him, keeping to his open back
Counting up the moments he was vulnerable to attack

Word then passed down through the channels tantalizingly discreet
With the tunesmith's bloody slaughter, history would be complete
Undertakers visited to measure him to fit his hole
And to pay their honours to his soon to be departed soul

Invitations such as that with which they had directly plied
To attend his fan club with the Blister sisters at his side
Were considered by the crew intensely irresistible
Though his warm reception would be rather more combustible

Clement was distracted by a vision of internal bliss
Scheduled for demolition, his appointment he would miss
Curses of the disappointed echoed faintly to the fore
When they saw the house go off and miss him by the house next door

IV: The Event

Past imaginary borders, too remote a way to wend
Masters gathered at a table topped with joys from end to end
Led by those who'd flown through elevated doors of mystery
To impart the knowledge that their explorations let them see

Pleasing were conditions in the wondrous plane they occupied
They were able to make their surroundings to their will abide
Sparkling with witty humour, drawn from standouts of the age
Summoned to a meeting to agree upon a common page

From a clear projection they had special access to observe
If the tunesmith perished it would cause a catastrophic curve
His survival of the plot to cease his actuality
Vitally impacted the unfolding of reality

With their presence to assure him, though alone a host he faced
He withstood an onslaught for the harmless calling he embraced
By his birthday's celebration in their gratifying zone
They paid homage to achievements visible to them alone

As his critics scrutinized him, his own sight was inward bent
To a flowing fountainhead of music his attention went
In the time it took them to unite behind a one word chant
He'd surpassed his former by the volume of a power plant

In a spurt of inspiration, he set out to write a score
And let his awakened spirit to the highest places soar
To accept his expiration, although some had been misled
His selection promised he would stay at least a tune ahead

From the same location where his benefactors hailed his name
He pulled out an anthem that a generation's heart would claim
One that shared the sparkle of a rendezvous with the sublime
Whose appeal would live outside the tight constriction of his time

At the job for taxing lengths, his consciousness began to tire
Drifting to a happy dream with pretty angels from the choir
To his timeless witnesses, his honest effort justified
The obscure event to as a turning point be classified

V: The Rumour

Thelma Lu in uniform appeared the true professional
Herschel thought the cover of a doctor was exceptional
Rosa Li pretended to be waiting with her dainty niece
To complete the aimed for picture, in walked the remaining piece

Evil foes had changed approach around his catchy melody
Now they sought to drain him and let loss advance his tragedy
Clement's revelation as a profitable choice would pass
Furnishing the tonic they could use to drug the muddled mass

Rumour of a standing offer for the claimant of the song
To be signed in author's ichor altered shady plans along
Urgent were the pleas for his profuse donation to their drive
As an untapped resource he'd reluctantly been left alive

Checking corners for a cop, the operation's mastermind
Thought the name of Benedict would fit upon the contract signed
Each of the conspiring would have a portion of the take
After to a cushion's fate they'd senselessly their mark forsake

Suspect was their walk-in clinic underneath a circus tent
Where in line behind the sister, for amusement, Clement went
Presently the doctor came out to confer with Rosa Li
For her niece's physical he happily would waive the fee

This was flat rejected with a shudder and a squeezing squirm
But his medical opinion on the matter would be firm
Clutching for the patient to attempt to yank her from her seat
He would be repelled by shoves that knocked him sorely off his feet

She who'd smiled at the counter rose to try to get between
Service was unlikely as to crashing chaos plunged the scene
Then from outside came a voice to whose attention they all paid
Whining sirens grew behind the rabid cry to flee the raid

Straight towards the closest exits was their panic stricken rush
Leaving the objective puzzled by the dead ensuing hush
Following the fire engine's passing to an outward call
He concluded he would have to keep his ichor after all

VI: The Link

Prominent musicians from the bygone age through speakers rang
Not long after Clement had his last among the living sang
His outstanding ditty on domestic currents reaching out
Sparked a shy researcher to perceive a cure for famine's drought

Visions of a garden sprouting in the most foreboding dune
Came to full fruition in a compound gathered on a spoon
Packed with nourishment enough to cover ranges with a drop
And provoke the barren regions to produce a bumper crop

To make sure the harvest ripened, serenaded was its bloom
By the echo from the past that beckoned to him from his room
And the generations rescued from a long and dreary queue
Would as monumental work its chirping measures come to view

His support was solid from the ones who handled fortune's reins
To secure his inspiration, they had taken lengthy pains
Fastening to past composer by their time defying stream
When he'd also sensed a presence he'd mistaken as a dream

Such dependence on his music from a genius not yet born
Found its way to Clement's sphere and kept him to his duty sworn
Though existence as a tunesmith could not have been made more bleak
Shafted by a hateful business just to be considered weak

One time when he'd made his mind up, caving in against his grief
After from the brutal masses, too long he'd had no relief
With their lying TV's insults drilling through his tired brain
He deemed suicide the only action that was worth his strain

In a rush to meet his Maker and his life of horrors lose
He strung up a noose of laces taken from his worn out shoes
But it broke so fast that it declined to cause him injury
Even of a bruise around the neck to use for sympathy

The benevolent observers witnessing the private show
Had not made the slightest effort to alleviate his woe
With their knowledge of his future, they knew when he'd need their aid
And of threats to cease the meantime, they were firmly unafraid

VII: The Offer

Blessings of the business as conferred by a recording deal
While designed for artists, to their adversaries more appeal
Abstract peaks elude the lowly social climbing animal
Driven strictly by the treasures fully apprehensible

Clement spent his lifetime in the shelter of his heart's domain
Having been precluded from achieving monetary gain
Soon as he produced a song to compensate for years erased
All the crew could think was how his riches on him went to waste

Heading into middle age to face a future sadly trim
He sought legal help so he'd hold onto what belonged to him
As his good work's author he had suffered to be disavowed
Which in the hereafter would be adamantly disallowed

One agreed to help him out as soon as he could pay the bill
With donated scraps for months would he his belly have to fill
Suffering the put downs of the TV watchers' poisoned thought
In accordance with the greedy corporation's hateful plot

Aspirations of the crew to of his glory steal a piece
Culminated in their final blow against the author's peace
This time dressed as millionaires in thrift store threads absurdly loud
Borrowing an undertaker's vehicle to travel proud

They pulled up along his block, discreetly in the dead of night
In a scanty negligee their Rosa Li was a delight
She sent throaty invitations up to buy his famous tune
As her fake employer promised to bestow him with the moon

They described the paradise that they had come to take him to
Where adoring fans were waiting to his idle bidding do
Food was in abundance and the prestige of a chauffeured car
Lavish was the gratitude incumbent to a major star

From his outdoor resting place, a derelict that they ignored
Rose to give himself as the recipient of their reward
Greeting them with open arms, their exit left him ill behooved
Clement by his body's call had from his station been removed

(to be continued)
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2007, 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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