Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Masterpiece: Parts I-V

The Masterpiece: Parts I-V
Do any of my older readers recall how, after posting Part V of this work in 2007, I said that this poem was going to be hard to illustrate? Anyway, looks like I'll be heading into new territory very soon - maybe even today.

8:11 pm: Tomorrow's chapter is done. I think I'm doing a fine job of reconstructing this work after nine years and I'm looking forward to its completion. Now, what happened at 6:00 this evening? Another violation? Is some fraud band playing a show for the festival tonight? Who talks about 'vuge' (huge views) and 'frog' (fraud blog). The authors of the Newspeak dictionary? I know one thing: we didn't need to pounce on poets and try to get them killed or unjustly incarcerated until TV, radio, and the internet came along. So much for progess.

I: The Purpose

The Lord thought truth was beautiful in any form or spectacle
And coating it with fine veneers was starting to distort
Humanity's adherence to the outermost appearance grew
Which gave way to the rise of sin by falsehoods they'd export

A sweet and ordinary bird expressed the best His person third
His second walked the earth in an informal one-piece cloak
The call to plainness of His Word had been by all the nations heard
And yet the countless multitudes had still not to Him woke

Each time He gave a gift of worth to somebody of common birth
As soon as glory was revealed, the devil interfered
The outer shell was everything to those who held successes' string
For vanity was largely how their riches were revered

The use of electricity had furthered the duplicity
Infusing fell illusions with a paralyzing light
So that the good recipients of His divine beneficence
Were overwhelmed by power and could not tell wrong from right

The time had come to make a man who'd stay the course within His plan
To furnish ample stamina against the evil tide
He'd bless him with a gift for art and fill with love his open heart
And let the spread of showy truth extend the whole world wide

Excessive artificial vaunt would fail to be a source of want
But only proper application of the noble skill
Though fearsome ones in high employ would gather to the truth destroy
They'd come up short against the force of his intrepid will

He'd let him know he had a soul for which to choose a timeless goal
And put the strongest arguments inside his able brain
He'd give him sight to penetrate the fellow persons' inner state
In order to upon the underlying meaning train

He'd name him David, like the king who slew the giant with a sling
And set him on the earth among the modestly sustained
A paintbrush in a hand so brave was guaranteed to stir a wave
But only by disruption could the greater good be gained

II: The Adversary

The devil treated his aides well to help him swell the ranks of Hell
At least until the time arrived for each to fall below
He showered them with shining wealth and kept them in the finest health
Upon his loyalest, the highest honours he'd bestow

His force was undetectable in persons so respectable
Which let the spread of evil go entirely unchecked
As laws were passed to make the need for people to indulge in greed
And meet the disappointing fate that they did not expect

To shield the fallen from their grief, illusions offered brief relief
Which failed to keep them happy unless constantly applied
For this, the new technology employed a slick psychology
From which the most determined would find difficult to hide

The worldly dream of zillionaires was passed off to the crowd as theirs
To reinforce the glory that would otherwise soon drop
And those who had the greatest means to dominate through TV screens
Were rated by the devil as the flower of his crop

Though other painters by the lake had chosen to a landscape make
Would David turn his easel round to face the other way
And render a subjective look at shoppers on the banner's hook
Their megamall depicted as a crushing beast of prey

His daring ingenuity and capable dexterity
Won favour from the passers-by who praised him for his work
It left him feeling tranquilized to be so strongly patronized
Oblivious to enemies who in the throng might lurk

The ringing of the hotline red withdrew the chairman from his bed
To answer an important call from down in the abyss
An artist with a bent for truth was openly corrupting youth
With images designed to throw their programming amiss

It ceased with a despotic shout to snuff the brazen upstart out
Or suffer for his failure a disturbing penalty
The influential Mister Large would to the target hands discharge
Once weaknesses were gathered by a through inquiry

III: The Temptress

Profound effects upon the brain were visited by Mary Jane
Incentivizing centres that provoked the urge to laugh
Her company came at a fee too high for those in poverty
But for the artist she agreed to lower it by half

He'd had a pressurizing day and recognized her straightaway
Her flowing viridescent wrapping flapping in the breeze
She emptied his collection plate and offered him a soothing date
Extending warm and leafy arms to set his mind at ease

The picture he'd been working on was seen to him as going wrong
He wanted better to make contrast of the bad to good
But once he gained a sniffing sense of Mary Jane's rich redolence
He realized that all his shades were set down as they should

Her orders were to trip him up, so his advance would interrupt
Diminishing his image with the laugh of a buffoon
And on his work she kept her eye, alert for tricks that she could try
As they enjoyed the fading of a sunny afternoon

He had an animated way to certain things that he would say
Reflexively, a smirk came on her at the sight of him
Especially when overrun by passionate opinion
His eyes would more protrude against a semblance fiercely grim

Succeeding to subdue his wit, she seized upon his laughing fit
To plant a comic moustache on the figure that he'd drawn
But found herself too unprepared for the expression that he shared
Incredulous with outrage by his flawless vision gone

Hilariously overpowered, she fell hard against his glower
Soon reduced to spasms that relinquished her control
So that she had to turn her back and put an end to her attack
Abandoning at once her incapacitating goal

The word of the decisive loss was sorely taken by the boss
He'd thought for sure he'd triumph on the first submerging strike
The evil effort to debauch would have to be moved up a notch
To strengthen the assault upon his victim's peaceful psyche

IV: The Blighters

The blighters were a tiny troop of creatures who knew how to snoop
To catch their prey asleep or stuck in horizontal slumps
They knew just where to poke the bill and drilled for nourishment until
The surfaces they worked on were all blanketed in bumps

They'd been dispatched to David's bed to play their havoc with his head
By someone on the payroll of his dedicated foe
And there they waited in the dark for the right time to make their mark
His constitution destined for a prickling new low

Their last forlorn recipient, to demonstrate his discontent
From finding studded chaos in his sagging belly's fold
Had finally to pieces fell, and with a madly plaintive yell
Went crashing through his window to explode on concrete cold

Since this one was without the weight to help him from them insulate
His sure and rapid breakdown was the outcome they presumed
As shock waves of approaching feet to cushy recess forced retreat
By signaling the entrance of the person they had doomed

Exhaustively he'd combed the street to find a few small things to eat
Resulting in a somewhat better than the normal fare
A patch of earth contained a crumb and someone dropped a pack of gum
And juicy yellow dandelions sprouted everywhere

To make sure his nutrition stuck, into a bowl he dumped the guck
And fortified it with a squirt of Elmer's safety glue
Then with a clothes pin on his nose, to gaping mouth the mixture rose
Surrendering the gullet it was bound to travel through

His demon hunger held at bay, he headed for his bed to lay
Collapsing from the drain of his humiliating run
To motionlessness he'd concede before the bugs came out to feed
Led by the pathway of the most enthusiastic one

The straw from which it took its drag induced a deep and fitful gag
Which sent the others fleeing through the crack beneath the door
Again the shot had landed wide as Mister Large his foulest cried
Determined to crush this resilient artist even more

V: The Masterpiece

For any artists worth their salt, obliterating vision's fault
Was foremost the objective, with their basic needs denied
A finalizing master stroke that boundaries of beauty broke
To blissful revelations flung the portal open wide

Though David barely made a cent, his time had not been poorly spent
Developing his palette to a formidable crest
Consumerists might think him flawed, but deemed successful by his God
He'd struggled long to make of his abilities the best

His painting of the modern age, presented as a flimsy stage
Whose listless players edged towards the entrance of a shaft
Which led straight down to iron jaws expanding to make good their cause
Had heretofore been viewed by him as bordering on daft

But with a touch to emphasize the evil in the usher's eyes
The elements united in a composition grand
With power to undo the grip of television's blinding trip
And trigger major consequences utterly unplanned

He'd set up in a public place to reach this echelon of grace
His first spectator dazed by the illuminating sight
The driver readily discerned the treatment his exploiter earned
And felt his indignation surge to a ferocious height

His spirit soared with violence against the haughty insolence
Of tyranny that wasted his duration lived entire
And in a frenzy of delight, as his observers flinched with fright
He torched his boss's vehicle and danced around the fire

The officers sent to address the ladies' summons of distress
Approached the witness for his summary of the affair
And shown the painting to explain, the detonation blew again
With two more dancers firing their pistols in the air

With that, the artist shed his smock to put up the essential block
To stop the scene descending into hopeless disarray
And exited towards his hood as nonchalantly as he could
Where his incendiary work would in concealment stay

(to be continued)
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2007, 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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