Monday, March 5, 2018


So it's nice to know I'm into new epic poetry. I now recall my first attempt to complete the Host in late 2007. I gave up somewhere halfway. I probably burned out from all the other rhyming I did that year.

The stars who stole it wouldn't know about such problems. The way they grabbed it, they must think it's easy to write, but it's actually very hard and time consuming. We don't speak in rhyming verses; we have to struggle to reorganize the words. It's a challenging struggle. I did it to pass the time when I was unemployed and to try to improve myself. I try not to think about what I got for it.

It's my work and if someone else was paid for it, that's really a shame. Writing poetry is generally thankless, at least, when it comes to being thanked by others. On those rare occasions when people want to thank a poet by paying him, it's just too bad that we have such rotten people on TV who need to intercept that thanks for themselves. And they didn't need the money as much as I do either.

I'm not blaming you for leaving me unthanked. I'm sure you like to thank people who please you, but the TV and radio made you thank someone else for my efforts. I understand. Why should you thank me for my work when the TV already made you thank everyone else for it? After all, I wouldn't want to be greedy.

I recall now what one of the lawyers asked me here in Vancouver last year when I visited a local firm over my copyright. Remember? It was while Blue Rodeo was coming to the Queen Elizabeth last year, when the children were treating me so poorly and I was having nightmares - shortly before I inadvertently rewrote Mischief. About all these stars ripping me off, he only asked, did you not clue in?

If anyone thinks that the stars were trying to help me, let me remind them that I received no notification or warning of any of their productions. I guess people are still fooled by how they act in front of the cameras, always so smiling and pleasant. If they were that human, they'd have offered me two tickets to New York for front row seats to the televised performance. Instead they made everyone think I stole my things from them and I still get called a hack for it today.

About the TV from 2010 to 2012, it should now be easy to figure out why they called me poet from 2010 to 2012: because they had all my poetry. They expected me to write new work. I would have if I'd have been able to remember all the verses from my first Storyblog in 2007, but the TV, which was regulated by George W Bush's administration, made it too uncomfortable for me to keep my poetry online, and shortly after I erased the account, I mysteriously lost the disk I'd saved everything onto. Once it was gone, I had no hope of consciously remembering it all, just like my 3 hour cassette of songs.

It sort of makes sense that I would rewrite the forgotten work first - if it was good. The new poems and songs they were waiting for in 2010 had to be developed from my older work. My quality improves as I go along, it doesn't rest on a flat line.

I'm staying Christian now because I want to remember where all that music came from in the first place. It gives you a sense of how evil the music business is when you consider how they turned my heartfelt expressions of faith in God into absolute witchcraft.

I mostly blame the internet for what happened. Without the internet, I never could have reached so many people that the stars would see me as a threat. There were probably other artists like me in the past, but they didn't have the web. Who knows how much we may owe them?

I'm glad I don't feel trapped into posting every day anymore. Just because I'm not here doesn't mean I've given up, though. I'm sure I'll have more to share, and maybe we can start looking forward to all new work again.

March 7, 2018: I didn't want to come back to type today, but I just wanted to tell you what happened on my way to the store about fifteen minutes ago. I finally got what I took to be on-the-street recognition of my recent posts. A group of teen-aged girls walked by me and one of them shouted the word 'sushi'. I'm not sure what it meant, but I couldn't help but compare the word to the name, Suzie. Was there a connection? Doesn't seem altogether a putdown or anything. Anyway, girls will be girls. Looks like I still have a lot of people reading out there. The last thing the broadcasters want, I'm sure.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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