Saturday, March 17, 2018

Shared Suffering

Shared Suffering
I don't want to spoil the party here too much with bitter sentiments, especially on Saint Patrick's Day, so I'll try to keep this post away from topics that upset me. I have been living quietly and working on new projects. I can always create, no matter how much of a fuss anyone else wants to make out of it. I do it to please myself, too, after all. I think I have many years of productivity ahead of me, many, many years.

It's funny how the ones who stripped all the credit and payments for my work want me to somehow be ashamed for reproducing it. Shouldn't that shame them? And how are we to interpret their apparent indignation? If I were lying about my copyright claims, they'd be doing more than stamping their feet and making angry faces about it, they'd have me in prison and force me to erase my accusations. They can't, so why are they allowed to pretend their innocence when it hurts their victim? Haven't they done enough harm with their years and years of fraud? Wasn't it enough to turn all my fans against me, to turn parents and teachers and children against me when I was innocent? Wasn't it enough to make everyone love the band that stole the largest number of my songs to the point that an angry mob formed that wanted my blood? That was in 2010. What's been going on ever since, over one post or another here in this account? Why is it allowed to reach such brutal proportions?

As for these arrests and incarcerations of major stars I've been hearing about over the last five years, the ones I brought up here and are still online from the day I posted them: why was I never included in any of these proceedings? How did Dateline manage to throw Jon Stewart in jail with my evidence and subject me to the pressures of a televised trial against him all behind my back? I gather that they weren't allowed to do that, but it didn't stop them. I wonder what other horrible, totally illegal plans like that they have in store for me.

I've been watching some more modern movies lately. The one about Elvis and Nixon was pretty good. Almost surreal, that encounter. And I love the soundtrack. One of the actors looks and sounds a bit too much like Tom Hanks, but I don't want to discriminate against him unfairly. Another movie I like is the Queen. I think this is an important movie for anyone who wants to understand the media.

When Diana was killed, the population at large felt a keen loss. Many had established an intimate relationship with her from her appearances in news reports and tabloids. (I didn't. I pitied her family, but I didn't grieve.) Everyone wanted to mourn and were insulted that the Queen was not more eager to join them. The public needed someone to blame for Diana's untimely death. How did Diana die? She was chased into a concrete wall by a posse of newspaper photographers. So who must we blame for this? If you would have read any of the newspapers at the time, you might have suspected the Queen of foul play, but not the media, never the media.

I feel like I can personally relate to the character of the Queen as she squirms in front of the television set to hear the intimate details of Diana's affairs blasting out to the whole wide world. Then the media turned her into a figure of suspicion on top of it. Imagine being accused of not showing enough grief over the abrupt loss of a close acquaintance by people unknown to both of you. Isn't that rather insulting and unreasonable? But the Queen had to take such accusations seriously.

Thanks to the influence of stars and the media, it hasn't been easy for me to get people to take my side in this fight, even though I'm in the right. I originally wanted to post things that would help to improve my image. I wanted to look good with my talent. But how can I look good with it when all these stars need to look good with it, right? I think it's unreasonable and probably illegal to treat me like that.

There are other ways to make money with my work than by going through the business if all the business is going to try to do is cheat. I'll figure something out one day that I can rely on, one that won't demand that I surrender seventy-five percent of my work over to my competitors, the way the business wanted to deal with me in 2011.
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© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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